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This East Vancouver tree is covered with messages of thanks to front line workers

"There goes a hero."
Located on 10th Avenue near Woodland, the board states that, "Someone on this block is a health care worker." Photo: Elana Shepert / Vancouver Is Awesome

Vancouverties have been stepping outside each night to cheer for health care workers and first responders from their balconies, backyards, and doorsteps. However, a number of locals are finding other creative ways to send messages of gratitude to front line workers. 

A board on an East Vancouver tree is completely covered with messages of thanks and colourful hearts to front line workers from passersby. With a felt pen attached to a long string, anyone who wants to pen an expression of thanks is welcomed to do so. 

Located on 10th Avenue near Woodland, the board states that, "Someone on this block is a health care worker."  The board invites you to, "Write a message of appreciation to all nurses, doctors, amubulance drivers, hospital staff, and every one on the front lines." 

One of the contributors states that, "There goes a hero," while another says, "Thank you sweet angel." A number of people simply say "thank you" and comment on how health care and front line workers offer an amazing contribution to society. 

One person remarks, "You should be treated better."

Another commenter simply writes, "We love you."

health-care-workers-vancouverPhoto: Elana Shepert / Vancouver Is Awesome

Fire Chief Darrell Reid shared a video on March 29 to his Twitter account of his neighbours adding a unique twist to the 7 p.m. ritual: the Canadian national anthem

A Vancouverite has also created a massive chalk mural to send gratitude to essential workers. Included in the colourful roundup is a doctor, a grocery store clerk, a police officer, a post officer, and a nurse. 

Posted on Reddit by yu/allimum on April, the cheerful image has been upvoted 239 times. A few comments note that the offering is 'cute' and made them 'smile,' while others mention that the artist is rather talented. 

While TransLink has implemented a number of changes to protect its employees as well as the public at large, transit operators and attendants put themselves at risk to provide vital transportation to people across the Lower Mainland. Have a look at the experiences of three front line transit workers HERE.

In order to celebrate everyone on the front lines, TransLink has played an announcement on its Expo, Millennium and Canada Line trains at 7 p.m. sharp. The announcement played for the first time on March 27.