Vancouver's Empire Landmark Hotel is slated for the wrecking ball, and while it's closed for stays and dinners at the Cloud 9 Restaurant, there are still heaps of furniture and other items up for sale at deeply discounted prices.
Photo via ICL
International Content Liquidations (ICL) is handling the sale, and while they got things going at the end of October, ICL's Jim Long tells Vancouver Is Awesome there are still hundreds of rooms of furniture up for grabs, and the prices are being slashed.
Right now Long says they have so much furniture that the downstairs selling area is "set up like an IKEA" and the items are "stacked up like cordwood."
Photo via ICL
They've got lots of 3-drawer chests, running at $20 a pop, while the small fridges are a mere $19 apiece, and double beds are $30. Lamps, chairs, sheets, and coffee makers are also available in spades.
For those looking to pick up a TV, though, Long says they just sold out of them.
Much of the furnishings are from the 1990s, but true bargain seekers--and treasure hunters--may be keen on what ICL calls the "garage sale" zone, which is where the older stuff is being corralled and sold.
Photo via ICL
In the "garage sale" area you'll find some Early American-era pieces, though Long jokes you'll have to blow the dust off some of them.
"It's not junk!" he says, laughing. "It's just been in storage a long time."
If you're buying from the "garage sale," Long explains that you can do it by the truck or car load for a flat fee, too; just drive up and take what fits for $25 (car) or $100 (pickup truck).
As the liquidation heads into what Long says is its last week, shoppers can expect discounts of 30% or more on items.
There's no entry fee to the sale, though shoppers will have to factor in a 19% liquidation fee and sales tax for their purchases, but with the low prices, those amounts will be nominal.
Photo via ICL
Photo via ICL
Photo via ICL
Photo via ICL
Photo via ICL
Photo via ICL
Photo via ICL
Empire Landmark Hotel
Address: 1400 Robson Street