Vancouver Fire Rescue Service (VFRS) is once again reminding people that "the sale and use of fireworks—unless approved by exception—is prohibited in Vancouver."
Since November 2020, selling or firing fireworks has been banned in Vancouver at any time of year (including Halloween, Diwali, and New Year) unless an application to the city has been approved (like for the Celebration of Light or private events near the convention centre).
That's true for outdoors and indoors.
"Fireworks are explosives that pose a significant risk to people using them as well as people and structures in their proximity," states the fire department in a press release.
On the last night fireworks were allowed in Vancouver, VFRS reported 400 fire-related calls and put out 40 fires, resulting in $450,000 in damages. The next year, on Nov. 1, 2021, VFRS estimated the damage the night before caused by fireworks was around $10,000. The next year it was around $22,000 for that same night.
The fire department will still have additional preparations in place for Oct. 31 and will be on patrol and ready to issue fines.
"Fire prevention inspectors will be out in teams across the city for enforcement of bylaws," states VFRS.
Inspectors can issue $1,000 tickets for anyone who sells, possesses, or discharges fireworks in the city."
While the ban has kept fireworks to a minimum in Vancouver, locals continue to report infractions; VFRS recommends calling 311 if fireworks are spotted or heard. In 2023, more than 100 complaints were fielded in regard to illegal fireworks.
"If you see a fire, call 911" the fire department reminds everyone.