The BC SPCA is asking the public to help them to help fund treatment for an emaciated golden retriever called Goldie.
Even through her fluffy coat her ribs are visible, as she was tethered outside for several years and received very little food.
What's more, she's incurred a horrific dental condition in which she'll chew on and eat anything within reach. As a result, her teeth are worn to the root, which causes her excruciating pain.
Sadly, all of her teeth need to be removed. The procedure will be long and costly, but it is necessary.
Golden Retriever
The SPCA is asking for donations for this incredibly loving dog so that she may enjoy a comfortable new life.
The Goal includes: surgery, medication, vaccinations, regular health check, and daily care for Goldie until she’s ready for adoption. If her medical costs and cost of care is less than is raised in her name, additional funds will provide care for other animals.
Personal updates for Goldie will be provided to anyone who donates to her campaign.
The SPCA has a number of animals that require emergency medical treatments and surgeries. You can learn more and donate here.