It’s not all doom and gloom out there in the local media. A tragic whale watching accident killed 5 people in Tofino and is dominating the local news cycle right now but even we can’t accuse the mainstream outlets in Vancouver of only focusing on the negative. Here’s a roundup of 8 of the more awesome stories that were published by the big dogs in the past couple days.
By painting a pumpkin teal, and you’ll be letting trick-or-treaters with food allergies know that you’re also handing out non-food items this Halloween. (rebekah_sue/Instagram)
Teal Pumpkin Project helps B.C. kids with food allergies feel 'safe' on Halloween - CBC Vancouver
‘Mind-Full’ app helps traumatized children learn how to relax - The Globe and Mail BC
“I had to do something”: Mom brings comfort to families with stillborn babies - CTV Vancouver
Vancouver dog rescue group 'overwhelmed' by applicants for U.S. death-row dogs - The Province
Tourists flocking to B.C. according to newest statistics - CBC Vancouver
Endangered B.C. killer whale pod adds new calf - CTV Vancouver
10 Metro Vancouver Halloween events: Ghoulish fun for everyone - Vancouver Sun
Canadiens’ Carey Price sends hockey equipment to B.C. minor league teams - The Globe and Mail BC