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Here are Vancouver’s most deadly intersections to look out for this winter

The City of Vancouver warns collisions involving pedestrians happen more often during the darker hours of winter months
Rainy night pedestrian
Numbers from the City of Vancouver and ICBC indicate some of the most dangerous intersections are near the Lions Gate and Iron Workers Memorial bridges.

Citing an array of causes, the City of Vancouver has warned of a recent rise in collisions involving pedestrians. 

The warning comes as rainy weather affects driver’s visibility, more people are commuting to the city and shortened daylight hours due to British Colubmians turning their clocks back one hour to mark the end of Daylight Savings Time this weekend.

“Traffic collisions involving pedestrians increase significantly at this time of year – notably at intersections,” says Paul Storer, Director of Transportation. “We saw a decrease in collisions involving pedestrians in 2020 but we are seeing an increase this year, including fatalities, as more people are returning to their regular activities.”

The city states collisions involving pedestrians are more frequent between 3 and 8 p.m. and during hours of darkness in winter months. Pedestrians are involved in less than two per cent of all traffic collisions, yet account for 60 per cent of all traffic fatalities in Vancouver.

Nearly 80 per cent of those collisions occur at intersections and using data from ICBC we’ve identified the potentially most problematic intersections. 

When selected for the municipality of Vancouver for 2020, ICBC’s Lower Mainland crashes map may show no surprises. The red dots representing the number and location of collisions in the city align nearly perfectly with major roads. 

Casualty map ICBC(1)
The red dots representing the number and location of collisions in the city align nearly perfectly with major roads. 

ICBC notes its “casualty” designation means crashes resulting in injury or fatality. Crashes between intersections are plotted in the middle of the nearest two. The following intersections along with the number of crashes that occurred at or near them in 2020 are listed below:

  • 76 - Knight St. Bridge
  • 50 - Ironworkers Memorial Bridge
  • 41 - Lions Gate Bridge
  • 59 - Boundary Rd and Grandview Hwy and Grandview Hwy Onramp
  • 38 - Boundary Rd and Kingsway and Turning Lane
  • 33 - Clark Dr and E 1st Ave and Grandview Viaduct
  • 30 - Granville St and Marpole Ave and W 16th Ave
  • 29 - Kingsway and Knight St
  • 29 - E 41ST Ave and Knight St
  • 26 - Granville St and W King Edward Ave