Red rashes on the palm of the hand / Shutterstock
Students and staff of Fleetwood Park Secondary School were warned yesterday that they may have been exposed to measles.
Fraser Health sent a notice on Wednesday, November 7 warning that an infected individual was on the grounds from October 30 to November 2. As such, they advise that all students and staff should review their MMR immunization status.
Measles is very contagious and spreads easily. Specifically, when an infected person breathes, coughs, or sneezes, the virus spreads through the air. As such, the airborne nature of the illness makes it extremely contagious.
Of course, anyone who has received an immunization has an extremely low chance of contracting the illness. Similarly, anyone who's had an infection in the past has a very low chance of contracting it.
With that being said, anyone who has not received their immunization, and was born after 1970, will have to take precaution.
"Students and staff (born on or after January 1, 1970) who have had ZERO doses of MMR will not be allowed to return to school until November 26th 2018 unless proof of immunity is obtained," reads the letter from Fraser Health.
"Students and staff who have had 1 dose of MMR vaccine in the past should attend the immunization clinic at the school for free MMR vaccine on Thursday November 8 or Friday November 9, 2018 between 9am and 3pm in order ensure their protection and to be able to continue attending school. If your child requires a dose of MMR vaccine please sign and date the consent form and return it to school."
Measles Exposure
If you think that you have contacted the illness, keep in mind that symptoms typically start between 7 to 21 days after exposure. Signs and symptoms of measles include fever, rash, red eyes, cough, and runny nose.
If you experience any of these symptoms you are advised to alert Public Health immediately so steps can be taken to prevent infecting others. In addition, you are advised to stay at home to prevent infecting anyone else.
If you develop a fever or other symptoms that may be measles, contact Public Health at 604-507-5471 (Monday to Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm).