Aimee Eva King, DinnerPartyYVR hobby chef.
Meet Aimee King, a DinnerPartyYVR veteran. Last year, she turned her home into La Cocina Española—the Spanish Kitchen—serving a selection of tapas and a big, beautiful paella. This year, Aimee and her sous chef, Suzanne Guerino, are planning to treat their guests to Thai food.
“I joined kinda on a whim, four years ago,” Aimee says. “I just thought it’d be interesting to try something out of my comfort zone. I’ve always been a bit of a shy person, and I love to cook, so being a hobby chef for DinnerPartyYVR made sense. And it’s really fun!” Despite identifying as an introvert, her big, bubbly laugh is the kind that puts people at ease.
Aimee’s mother—a single mother—put a home cooked meal, every day, on the table without fail. “Mom always says she’s the original Rachael Ray because she only ever had 30 minutes,” Aimee says, laughing. She fondly recalls sitting around the dinner table every Sunday, together with her mother and brother. “Food has always been rooted in tradition for me in a positive way. Providing food has always been a part of my upbringing. That’s why I love sharing and throwing dinner parties—that’s how I entertain, and it’s how I interact with a lot of my friends.”
This year, officially joining Aimee and her sous chef Suzanne, is Aimee’s precocious 15-year-old daughter, Abby. Abby is a great baker, so guests may expect to enjoy a dessert prepared by her.
Like last year, Aimee and her team will be cooking in support of the Chrysalis Society. “I sit on their board, so it’s an organization I’m really passionate about,” she says. “Chrysalis provides effective, long-term residential care and supports to adult women seriously impacted by addiction, violence, poverty, homelessness, and untreated concurrent mental/medical health issues. We are the only women’s organization of it’s kind in B.C. and this type of event helps bring attention to what they are doing for the community.”
DinnerPartyYVR presented by Cressey has raised over $30,000 for local charities. Sign up for the mailing list to get the scoop.