Those free-wheelin' parking days are over in Vancouver's West End neighbourhood.
The City of Vancouver announced Thursday that they are reinstating the enforcement of permit-parking zones in the area, which includes all permit parking west of Burrard Street.
The decision stems from the city's efforts to curb people driving to the West End to enjoy public spots such as the Stanley Park Seawall, Stanley Park itself, and English Bay's beaches and paths.
Putting parking enforcement back into place for this part of town comes on the heels of the City of Vancouver's move Wednesday to close access to Stanley Park for motor vehicles.
"We ask that people stay in their own neighbourhoods and take advantage of local parks and green space to exercise and get fresh air rather than converging on popular trails and beaches," says the City of Vancouver in an info bulletin.
Data collected by Google indicates here in B.C. we are using our "quarantine" time to be outside. British Columbians are now spending more time in parks – those visits are up by 27 per cent according to data – compared to some other provinces, which have seen a decline in visits to parks.
Parking-enforcement officers will begin ticketing cars parked in permit-parking zones in the West End on Thursday afternoon. Large signs will be placed at access points to the West End, so that drivers are aware parking enforcement has resumed.
COVID-19 Need to Know:
— City of Vancouver (@CityofVancouver) April 9, 2020
đŸ†• Enforcement of West End permit-parking zones will resume this afternoon to help prevent an influx of visitors to parks & beaches. Large signs will be placed at access points to the #WestEnd, so that drivers are aware parking enforcement has resumed.
Additionally, the City of Vancouver says they are continuing to work with healthcare facilities in the city to ensure they have access to parking.