The Vancouver Park Board announces that it will begin reopening more than 320 outdoor recreation amenities tomorrow.
On Friday, May 29, over 320 amenities including skate parks, synthetic sports fields, basketball and volleyball courts, disc golf, roller hockey, and multisport courts will reopen. Across the city,166 playgrounds are also set to reopen.
The Park Board closed its outdoor recreation facilities in mid-March as part of its response to COIVD-19. As such, it is taking a thoughtful and phased reopening and recovery approach in alignment with the BC Restart Plan.
Skate parks will be opened on Friday with other facilities following a phased approach throughout the weekend. Playgrounds will be open across the city by Monday, June 1, in alignment with the Vancouver School Board’s resumption of in-class learning.
The outdoor recreation facilities will be available for casual use only, meaning residents are encouraged to practice individual skills or play for fun with others in their household.
Organized competitive play or training will not be permitted at this time.
“Vancouver is an incredibly active city with residents who rely on our outdoor facilities for recreation, fitness, and overall wellbeing,” said Park Board Chair Camil Dumont.
“We know it has been a challenge for many in our community who have had to forego their usual outdoor recreation activities during COVID-19 and I’m grateful to everyone for their understanding and patience through this process. We are asking residents to work together to ensure our facilities are used safely once reopened.”
Guidelines for casual play
Once outdoor recreation facilities reopen, the Park Board is asking residents to follow these guidelines for safe casual play:
- Maintain two metres distance from others who are not in your household
- Wash and/or sanitize your hands frequently
- Disinfect personal equipment before and after use
- Do not share equipment
- Stay home if you feel sick
Park Board staff will be installing educational signage at many of the outdoor recreation sites that will be reopened to support user awareness and compliance with the new guidelines.