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Poll: Here's how locals beat the heat in Vancouver

Simply put, air beat out water
Kitsilano Beach on a hot summer day in Vancouver.

It seems most people in Vancouver likely have two go-to options when they want to cool down in the summer heat.

They either find air conditioning or they set up a bunch of fans and get a nice breeze going.

The two options topped V.I.A.'s poll on how to beat the heat on these hot summer days, each with about a third of the local vote, though air conditioning had the edge.

There was a real split between the top two answers and the other three, which all came in with around 10 or 11 per cent. Even though Vancouver has a fair numbers of places to take a dip, going for a swim (indoor or outdoors) only brought in 10 per cent of the vote.

It tied with going for a cold shower, and lost out (albeit by a slim margin) to a cold beverage.

However, the three options that involved liquids lost handily to the options that involved air. 

Vancouver Is Awesome polled 1511 readers and asked the question: How do you beat the heat?

The poll ran from 7/7/2024 to 7/24/2024. Of the 1511 votes, we can determine that 600 are from within the community. The full results are as follows:

Swim in a pool/the ocean/a lake 10.17% local, 10.99% total    
Cold shower or bath 10.33% local, 10.39% total    
Find air conditioning 34.67% local, 36.73% total    
A cold beverage 11.83% local, 12.71% total    
Set up lots of fans 33.00% local, 29.19% total    
  Local   Total

Results are based on an online study of adult Vancouver Is Awesome readers that are located in Vancouver. The margin of error - which measures sample variability - is +/- 2.52%, 19 times out of 20.

Vancouver Is Awesome uses a variety of techniques to capture data, detect and prevent fraudulent votes, detect and prevent robots, and filter out non-local and duplicate votes.