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Poll: Vancouverites prefer Joe Biden to Donald Trump by a wide margin

Who would you prefer?
People in Vancouver would prefer to see President Joe Biden be re-elected than former President Donald Trump by a ratio of three to one.

Most Vancouver residents don't get to vote in the upcoming U.S. federal election, but if they did - and were the only voters - President Joe Biden would win in a landslide.

While Donald Trump hasn't been officially named the Republican presidential nominee yet, he's the presumptive winner, with Nikki Haley a distant second in polls and primaries. The same is true for the Democrats, but Biden has an even clearer lead.

With that in mind, V.I.A. asked readers which of the two would be preferential to see leading the U.S., given its power and proximity to Vancouver.

It's perhaps not a big surprise that Biden dominated the poll, with nearly 75 per cent of the votes cast for him by locals. When votes from outside Vancouver are included it gets a little closer as Biden leads with 73 per cent of the vote, but more than 1,000 votes separate Biden and Trump out of 2,286 cast.

That makes it a clear-cut victory for Biden in this corner of Canada. In the United States, things are a different story, with most polls putting Trump slightly ahead; in any case, it appears close.

Winning a vote with around three-quarters of the votes cast is uncommon.

For context, the last time a Canadian Prime Minister led their party with more than 50 per cent of the popular vote was Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in 1984. No one has ever won with 75 per cent.

It doesn't appear any provincial party has won with anything near 75 per cent of the vote, nor any civic politician. The ABC party dominated the polls in the 2022 municipal election in Vancouver, but even then Mayor Ken Sim was the only candidate in the party to break 50 per cent.

Vancouver Is Awesome polled 2286 readers and asked the question: It appears Joe Biden and Donald Trump will face off again in the next American presidential election. Who do you prefer wins?

The poll ran from 1/31/2024 to 3/2/2024. Of the 2286 votes, we can determine that 1070 are from within the community. The full results are as follows:

President Joe Biden 74.86% local, 73.23% total    
President Donald Trump 25.05% local, 26.77% total    
  Local   Total

Results are based on an online study of adult Vancouver Is Awesome readers located in Vancouver. The margin of error - which measures sample variability - is +/- 2.05%, 19 times out of 20.

Vancouver Is Awesome uses a variety of techniques to capture data, detect and prevent fraudulent votes, detect and prevent robots, and filter out non-local and duplicate votes.