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Poll: What parts of Canada do people in Vancouver want to visit?

It seems Vancouverites want to visit places with ocean ports.
People from Vancouver are curious about travelling across Canada, in particular the Maritimes and Newfound and Labrador (left), but also the Prairies (middle) and northern Canada (right).

With many Canadians cutting the USA from their travel plans this year, Canadian destinations might see a bump.

V.I.A. polled people about what destinations they'd like to check out without leaving the country.

It seems people in Vancouver really want to see the ocean. The Atlantic Ocean.

The poll was topped by the Maritimes, the trio of provinces on the east coast (New Brunswick, P.E.I., and Nova Scotia). The smallest region got the largest portion of the poll with almost a third of the total vote.

In a close second was Vancouver's home region, B.C. and the Rocky Mountains (which straddle the border between Alberta and B.C.) with around a quarter of the vote. Interestingly, there was a difference of two per cent between Vancouver voters and all V.I.A. readers, with those based in Vancouver less interested in B.C.

In third, it was back to the east coast, with Newfoundland and Labrador, with about 20 per cent of the vote.

In total, the top three spots garnered about 77 per cent of the vote.

There was a significant drop down to Quebec in fourth place, with nine per cent of the vote, followed by the Northern Territories at 7 percent.

Filling out the bottom two slots were Ontario and the Prairies, with between three and four per cent of the vote.

Vancouver Is Awesome polled 1344  readers and asked the question: Which region of Canada do you want to visit the most?

The poll ran from 2/2/2025 to 2/15/2025. Of the 1344 votes, we can determine that 506 are from within the community. The full results are as follows:

Other parts of B.C./the Rockies 24.70% local, 26.49% total    
The Prairies 2.17% local, 3.13% total    
Ontario 3.75% local, 3.79% total    
Quebec 11.26% local, 9.08% total    
The Maritimes 32.41% local, 31.18% total    
Newfoundland and Labrador 18.38% local, 19.42% total    
The Northern Territories 7.31% local, 6.92% total    
  Local   Total

Results are based on an online study of adult Vancouver Is Awesome readers that are located in Vancouver. The margin of error - which measures sample variability - is +/- 2.67%, 19 times out of 20.

Vancouver Is Awesome uses a variety of techniques to capture data, detect and prevent fraudulent votes, detect and prevent robots, and filter out non-local and duplicate votes.