Richmond’s “Lego Man” has been hard at it again.
This time, Lego Man, aka Richmond resident Peter Grant, has recreated a map of his home city, using the famous toy bricks.
Grant showed off a miniature version of the map – for which he used 14,000 pieces - at the recent Family Farm Day at London Farm.
In the completed larger project, Grant even placed yellow dots, in Lego of course, of the sites where he has already replicated some of the city’s historic buildings.
The Richmond News has shared many of Grant’s creations with our readers in the past, including the likes of Abercrombie House, which was built in 1895 on the south dyke, Goldie Harris house on No. 4 Road, which was built in 1912, and Eldstrom house, which was built around 1912 on Finn Road by settlers from Finland.
Of a less noble nature, but still historic, Grant recreated Canada’s first McDonald’s, which is still open today on No. 3 Road, just south of Granville Avenue.
Grant often spends months sourcing tiny pieces of Lego from around the globe to make sure his creations are as close to the actual design as possible.