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Science World getting new 'groundbreaking' immersive and interactive experience

There will be 360° wall projections, interactive panels, music, sound effects, and more

Science, technology, and art will all be part of a new exhibit at Vancouver's Science World.

The Creative Technology Gallery opens on Sept. 18 with 360° wall projections, interactive panels, music, sound effects, and more for visitors to experience at the iconic Vancouver attraction.

Through three rooms people will get to "dream, build, and play," according to a press release from Science World. The first space, "dream," will be set up like a children's bedroom where dreams start. In the "build" area, visitors will be able to take on the role of environment designer or character artist. In the "play" room people will be able to explore immersive 360° projections.

The new gallery will integrate the local creative community and include intellectual property from "well-known movies, animation, and video games made right here in B.C." Science World adds, noting the Dauntless video game will be the first one featured.

“With B.C.’s growing technology sector, and an especially thriving creative technology industry, Science World plays an important role in inspiring today’s youth to explore the world of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and design, and math) for educational and career possibilities,” says Science World CEO Tracy Redies.

The new gallery was financed through the same fund that brought Science World's dome lights back.