The Enlightened Nerd is a column designed to enlighten the inner nerd in all of us through local whimsical and intellectual events, people, and places. Know a nerdy person, event, place, or thing in Vancouver? Send it in here or tweet it to @karolinathecat (#theenlightenednerd)!
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Who is the Greatest Warrior Race in space, Klingons or Krogons?! Is Liz Lemon or Kermit the Frog better at running a Chaotic Variety Show?! These are the critical and creative questions asked at the Geeks versus Nerds Vancouver debate that I was invited to. The live podcast formed debate was accordingly named “Command and Conquer” and was the final round before the summer season.
Doors opened at 6pm, and I arrived at 7pm to a virtually full Seven Dining Lounge as I slipped into a bar seat. The crowd appeared to be made up of merry friends and they buzzed excitedly, enjoying drinks like the “Rainbow Connection” and mild costumes and props could be spotted around the room. It was already looking more colourful than any other debate I could recall.
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The assemblage consisted of three members (comedians, improv artists, and passionate geeks off the streets) per debate team and for the first hour, Klingons (from the television show Star Trek’s universe) and Krogans (from the video game Mass Effect’s universe) verbally brawled. I’ll admit, the Klingons-versus-Krogans-as-best-intergalactic-warrior debate might as well have been in Klingon but I was still left laughing at references I didn’t fully understand because of the zany and zesty host and panel. Rebuttals were fiercer than a Krogan in battle as opponents struck each other with sharp facts, obscure knowledge, and trash talk. At Geeks versus Nerds debates, the audience determines the victor of battle and Krogans were crowned Greatest Warriors in Space. However, in case you were curious, Klingons would beat Krogans in a Miss Universe pageant.
For the next hour, debaters, each with a puppet in hand, argued over who runs a better Chaotic Variety Show – Liz Lemon (Tina Fey in the television show 30 Rock) or Kermit the Frog (who hasn’t heard of The Muppets at some point?) The host, clad in a fedora, blazer, and faux tie t-shirt combo, truly gave Liz Lemon and Kermit the Frog combined a run for their money as he wooed the audience for their applause and enthusiasm and won. I would pick endearingly cute and socially awkward Tina Fey over a puppet any day, but in the end Kermit was loved more by the audience, as arms flailed in the air, confirming that he runs a better Chaotic Variety Show.
Zemekiss Photography
Nerds versus Geeks Vancouver isn’t just Star Trek and video game references, but rather encompasses a wide medley of appealing pop culture knowledge. Their last debate dubbed “Femaggedon” promoted female debaters and characters while celebrating equal representation in media through lively and tough characters like Alice in Wonderland, Dorothy of Oz, Tank Girl, and Furiosa. I was very sad to have missed that one.
Geeks versus Nerds Vancouver is sponsored by zingy establishments like Golden Age Collectibles, Storm Crow Tavern, Gamedeals Video Games, and Pandora’s Locks, resulting in really awesome raffle and costume prizes. It returns for more comical debate (video gamed themed this time with a debate on adorable characters Yoshi and Chocobo) on August 11 at the Fox Cabaret as part of Bonus Stage, a celebration of video game culture through comedic and musical acts. Geeks versus Nerds also meet monthly at the EXP Bar (Vancouver’s wicked video game bar) for video game trivia where there is no easy mode. All in all, the Vancouver nerdosphere only gets more and more enlightening.