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Unions criticize Vancouver’s continuing tent sweeps

“We attempt engagement in an attempt to build a therapeutic relationship,” said Blake Edwards, an outreach worker in the neighbourhood for roughly a decade. “And this decampment is just an undoing of all this work we’ve put in.” 
Several major unions and the BC Federation of Labour have criticized the City of Vancouver’s approach.

Vancouver’s continuing efforts to remove tents from the Downtown Eastside has drawn criticism from some unions and many of the  municipality’s own workers.

Unions representing  hospital staff, shelter workers and even employees who began clearing  the tents on East Hastings Street on April 5 have condemned the approach  of city and police, saying it left displaced residents in an even more  desperate situation. 

Dozens of frontline workers in the  neighbourhood have also signed open letters criticizing city officials,  police and Vancouver Coastal Health, which employs and finances many  outreach and health services in the neighbourhood. 

One signatory, Blake Edwards, said the  heavy involvement of police has frayed the already fragile trust between  marginalized residents and government service providers, whether or not  they were directly involved.  

“We attempt engagement in  an attempt to build a therapeutic relationship,” said Edwards, an  outreach worker in the neighbourhood for roughly a decade. “And this  decampment is just an undoing of all this work we’ve put in.” 

The Tyee reached out to the Vancouver Police Department and the office of Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim  seeking comment for this story and did not hear back by publication  time. 

The tent city spread along the sidewalk in  2022 shortly after Vancouver police announced they would no longer  accompany city staff doing controversial “sweeps,” which advocates say  often resulted in staff taking residents’ belongings and shelter. The  sweeps were cancelled shortly afterwards. 

Fire Chief Karen Fry first ordered the  removal of tents in July 2022, saying the camp posed a safety hazard. In  a news release, the city also claimed the encampment was linked to an  increase in physical violence and sexual assault in the neighbourhood. 

The city also said it would help residents find shelter beds. 

But Tyson Singh said there was little  evidence of any serious plan to house people. On the first day of the  sweeps, Singh said, police had barricaded a stretch of the  neighbourhood, barring members of the media from entry. Singh was able  to get through to assist residents, he said. Within hours, tents had  already begun to reappear, he added.

“Tents had already started popping up in  the place where I had just helped decamp just a few hours before,” said  Singh, an outreach worker in the community. “When you offer people  nowhere to go, I don’t know what you expect.” 

Several labour organizations have  criticized the way the decampment was handled. The BC General Employees’  Union, which represent staff at some shelters in the Downtown Eastside,  called the decampment “a violation of human rights.” The Hospital  Employees’ Union called it “cruel, unsafe and dehumanizing.” And the BC  Federation of Labour, the voice of unionized workers in the province,  called the city’s approach “callous and dehumanizing.” 

Many city workers who took down tents are  represented by CUPE 1004, which represents a range of workers across the  public sector. But the union’s provincial office also issued a  statement, saying the city’s leadership “does not reflect the values of  CUPE BC or CUPE Local 1004.” 

“CUPE workers have no capacity to reject  this work under current labour laws, and face discipline or termination  if they refuse their daily assignment without legal justification,” said  a statement from the union. CUPE 1004 acting president Scott McIntosh  did not return multiple requests for comment. 

Kahlied Salem, a housing co-ordinator with  the Kílala Lelum health centre, believes the backlash from labour groups  and workers stems largely from the lack of a plan to house residents.

It’s not the first decampment Salem has  seen. In 2019, the city began clearing a homeless encampment at  Oppenheimer Park. In 2021, workers dismantled a tent city at Strathcona Park. And a smaller tent city still exists in CRAB Park a short walk  away.  But Salem says this time was different, largely because of the scale of  the police presence and the lack of other housing options on offer. On  the day of the decampment, he said he saw two dumpster trucks rolling up  and down Hastings Street as workers tossed tents inside. Some residents  were given bins, he said, to hastily store their belongings. 

“With the other decampments, the city kind  of said ‘Here’s our plan to go and do this.’ But with this one, it was a  like a surprise attack,” Salem said. “It was something you would do if  you were in war.” 

Kirsten Douglas, a social worker, said the tent city emerged out of a lack of good housing options  in the Downtown Eastside, a neighbourhood she said is often  misunderstood. 

Single-room occupancy units in the neighbourhood, she said, are often infested with pests and are increasingly expensive.  Douglas said the tent city’s many problems emerged from that lack of  housing, but says the city’s change didn’t offer a solution.  

“We saw a lot of peoples’ only shelter being taken down during a downpour,” she said. She said she and many  workers in health and social services have a personal connection to the  community and have been shaken by the staggering number of toxic drug  deaths in recent years. 

“It’s becoming impossible not to raise the alarm,” she said. 

Many workers in the Downtown Eastside cannot or will not speak on record with media because of policies  enforced by their employers, who may be government agencies or  indirectly funded by the province or the city. 

One worker, who spoke under condition of  anonymity out of fear of reprisal from their employer, said they worried  about the negative health consequences the displacement might have for  people who lived in the tents.  

“Ultimately, I don’t think you last that  long in this kind of work without giving a shit, for real,” the worker  said. “It hurts me to see so many people lose everything.”