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B.C. has second highest number of UFO sightings in Canada

What is that mysterious object in the sky?
B.C. ranked second for the highest number of alleged UFO sightings in Canada, which also came in second as the country with most UFO sightings.

Spy balloon, meteor, or UFO?

People have been spotting objects in the sky for decades and in 2022 alone Canadians reported 768 UFO sightings.

Internet searches for the term 'UFO' have increased by 1,150 per cent increase across the country too.

A recent survey by BonusFinder Canada found that B.C. saw the second highest number of alleged UFO sightings in Canada.

The study analyzed data from the National UFO Reporting Centre State Report Index and used records from 1998 and onward.

Ontario reported 2,416 UFO sightings, each lasting an average of 14.42 minutes. B.C. came in second with 1,163 sightings. However, the encounters lasted an average of 22 minutes. 

An alleged sighting dated Apr. 22, 2022, was described by a resident travelling along the highway between Duncan and Ladysmith who saw two large square crafts blinking red and green. The alleged sighting lasted 15 minutes. 

Another recollection states that a person saw two UFOs hovering in their backyard, at around 40 or 50 feet high. 

Overall, Canada ranked second among countries with most UFO sightings with Canadians reporting 5,696 sightings. 

U.S.A. took first place with a staggering 126,094 sightings being reported.