Are you wild for Wordle?
While it might be a global phenomenon, a recent study finds that some countries excel at the five-letter game.
The study, conducted by WordTips, analyzed Twitter data to find the countries and cities with the best Wordle scores in the world:
Canberra, Australia claimed the top spot for cities around the world, with the best Wordle average: 3.58 guesses. Sweden is the world’s best country at Wordle, with an average of 3.72.
Canada came 17th best on the list, with an average score of 3.90. Toronto was the top word-solving Canuck city, with 3.81 average guesses. Vancouver followed in second, with 3.84 guesses.
Ottawa had the third-best scorers, with 3.87 guesses. Montreal took the fourth spot, with 3.91 guesses. Edmonton rounded out the top five, with 3.92 guesses.
These are the top 10 Canadian cities with the best Wordle scores.

Want some local Wordle action? Have a look at these Vancouver-related Wordles.