While the city has enjoyed weeks of bright, warm sunshine, the Vancouver weather forecast calls for a great deal of rain to come.
In fact, the city's 14 day forecast calls for a chance of rain on nearly each day. Starting on Wednesday, October 24, the city's sunny streak might end as the forecast calls for a 40 per cent chance of showers. Following this, the forecast calls for an 80 per cent chance of rain on Thursday.
While Friday has a 60 per cent chance of showers, the forecast only calls for a 20 percent chance of rain on Saturday.
Vancouver Weather Forecast
[caption id="attachment_282085" align="alignnone" width="700"] Photo: The Weather Network

Photo: The Weather Network
As the forecast calls for a great deal of rain to come, the city advises that residents dispose of fall leaves before it does. These crispy leaves get slippery and soggy when it rains a great deal, and therefore they become a safety hazard. With that being said, residents should ensure that they dispose of them properly or they may get slapped with a hefty $10,000 fine.