The City of Chilliwack is looking for help renaming its new bike lane sweeper, which is presently named Unit 1075.
Described by the City as fitting "into small spaces and behind delineators to clear debris and create a cleaner cycling commute," they're looking for a slightly less-boring name for it.
As a one-time resident of Chilliwack who lived there for two years during the pandemic, in a home adjacent to one of the newer portions of the city's 180km of underused bike lanes, I figured I would weigh in with a few suggestions. Primers, if you will:
- The Loneliest Sweeper
- If You Build It They Still Won't Cycle
- Thing That Runs Over Discarded Beer Cans
- Kevin
- The Un-Tractor
- Barry Neufeld's Pronouns
- Corndog (perhaps my favourite, and the least controversial)
If you'd like to help them rename this unit you can do so until May 25 on Chilliwack's engagement website. After that date, they will round up their three favourite suggestions and put them up for a public vote, then announce the winner in the summer.