In what has been one of the most-watched contests of Canada's 43rd federal election, Jody Wilson-Raybould, running as an Independent, has won the riding of Vancouver Granville.
Green Party - Louise Boutin
People's Party - Naomi Chocyk
NDP-New Democratic Party - Yvonne Hanson
Liberal - Taleeb Noormohamed
Conservative - Zach Segal
Independent - Jody Wilson-Raybould
Wilson-Raybould began her legal career as a crown prosecutor in Vancouver and later served as an advisor at the B.C. Treaty Commission. She’s Canada’s former justice minister and attorney general, and was elected regional chief of the B.C. Assembly of First Nations in 2009. She alleged undue pressure from senior Liberals over the SNC-Lavalin scandal, and resigned from cabinet in February.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau booted her from the Liberal Party in April. Wilson-Raybould, who was offered a place in the Green Party by leader Elizabeth May, declined, opting to take on task as an Independent.
Taleeb Noormohamed stepped in for the Liberals to make a run for the Vancouver Granville seat, and returns indicate he and Conservative Zach Segal carved quite a bit out of Wilson-Raybould's former constituency. Yvonne Hanson, just 24 years old, ran for the NDP.
#ElectionDay in Canada! Each and every time I get to vote in an election I always feel proud to be part of our democracy — we all have a role to play. 🗳🇨🇦#CanadaElection2019 #elxn43 #VanGran
— Jody Wilson-Raybould 王州迪 Vancouver Granville (@Puglaas) October 21, 2019
Wilson-Raybould, who is married to Dr. Tim Raybould, is a descendant of the Musgamagw Tsawataineuk and Laich-Kwil-Tach peoples. She is a member of the We Wai Kai Nation.