In case you missed it (and you likely did, unless you're a politics nerd) veteran reporter Frances Bula made a post to her blog last week about our Mayor Gregor Robertson's (reportedly) new girlfriend, Chinese pop star Wanting Qu.
In case you missed it (and you likely did, unless you're a politics nerd) veteran reporter Frances Bula made a post to her blog last week about our Mayor Gregor Robertson's (reportedly) new girlfriend, Chinese pop star Wanting Qu. You can read the whole piece (which explains these photos below that she's posted to her Facebook page) right HERE. There's quite a bit of conversation in the comments section around it, as you can imagine.
A crushing photo for every single woman in Vancouver who fancies our handsome mayor.
This one has a sort of “awkward dad” quality to it.
Wait, that’s not Gregor! Thought I’d throw this one in just for the heck of it.