I have passed this set of stairs on Great Northern Way on so many occasions and always wondered where the hell they go, what the hell they were built for and of course marveled at how deadly, i mean awesome, they are. To me they have always felt out of place and in my head I just assumed that anyone who ventured up would obviously be transported to another dimension upon arrival at the summit. Well one morning last week I had some time on my hands on the way to work and caught myself gazing at the behemoth in wonder once again while passing by. So I flipped a bitch to see, once and for all, what lay at the top.
During my ascent I took in the sites of carved stone figures from days passed while catching my breath. Lions and warriors stand guard. Clearly any good mythical stairway needs a statue of a woman that is either headless or topless. Check... and check.
At the top lay a beautiful quiet courtyard. All was silent and for five minutes I waited for the white canine to speak and tell me "We have been waiting for you." But he didn't. Because he is a dog. I was gonna be late for work, so I left.
Oh!, and Mr. Choy, on my way out I did discover some evidence that perhaps on occasion... kids drink here, however since I did not witness it happening directly I can't be sure.