The public has the chance to weigh in on one of Westbank Corp.’s latest development projects — a proposal for 14-storey rental building on the corner of West Broadway and Alma Street on the edge of Kitsilano — at a Feb. 13 open house.
The project is being pitched under the city’s Moderate Income Rental Housing Pilot Program (MIRHPP), which allows for 20 proposals — three of which have already been approved, while another three go to public hearing later this month.
Under the program, 20 per cent of the residential floor space must be devoted to units rented at rates affordable to households earning between $30,000 and $80,000.
Westbank held a pre-open house about its project last May, prior to filing its rezoning application. The site for the proposed development runs from 3701 to 3743 West Broadway.

The rezoning application envisions 153 rental units — 122 market rental units and 31 moderate income ones — commercial space at street level, 53 underground parking spaces and 301 bike spaces.
Leckie Studio Architecture designed the building.
The open house runs from 5 to 8 p.m. at St. James Community Square, Feb. 13.
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