I finally got a chance to check out the Woodward's building....to my surpise, the London Drugs...was a London Drugs...the Nestor's...was a Nestor's. But what is up with the basketball hoops. How RAD is that? Someone please, please just tell me that they are actually there to play basketball. I love public art as much as the next guy but my fingers are crossed that this isn't the latest installment from Vancouver Biennale.
Reading through the Sun on the weekend, it went something like this....'OK Cool Woodwards building! Mural.... Stan Douglas...uh....Vancouver Riot's....OK....basketball hoop, where are you.....millions of dollars ...mmm ...hmm.....basketball....no basketball... hoop? Nope...
So...anyone know the story on this? Anyone up for a game of H.O.R.S.E.