The next eight years are predicted to be very promising for job seekers in B.C., with almost 1 million job openings throughout the Province projected by the year 2024. Fortunately, there are lots of resources available to job seekers to help them get their careers started and find the career that’s right for them. Here are four places to plan your next career move.
Are you new to B.C. or Canada in general? Immigrants without Canadian work experience may have difficulty finding a job and navigating the job search process. Welcome B.C. connects you with employment agencies, helps you assess and upgrade your qualifications and provides you with labour market information. Welcome B.C. also has job profiles for immigrants to help them understand how occupations are defined in British Columbia.
WorkBC runs a comprehensive job board with thousands of postings for jobs across British Columbia. On the site, you can search for jobs based on title, salary, location and industry. You can also set up a profile to be alerted about new job postings. In addition to the job board, WorkBC offers information on resume building, interview preparation and networking tips. With its wealth of resources, this site can act as your one stop shop when you begin the job hunt. The Blueprint Builder allows you to chart your own path and find resources that will make your search easier and tailored to you.
Industry Training Authority
If you're looking to get involved in the trades but aren't sure exactly where to start, visit the Industry Training Authority (ITA). The site offers information on a variety of skilled trades programs in B.C. including Women in Trades Training, Immigrants in Trades and Aboriginal People in Trades. These initiatives are meant to encourage people underrepresented in trades to consider careers in various related industries. In addition to apprenticeship and mentorship programs, ITA sets program standards and issues certain credentials.
Blueprint Builder
Thinking tech? Maybe trades? WorkBC’s Blueprint Builder is an online tool designed to help you map out your education, training and career options. Get started by creating an account and exploring in-demand careers in your region.
Whether you're just starting out in your career or are looking to upgrade your skills, there are many resources in B.C. that can help you find your next opportunity. If you're still not sure where to go to begin, visit WorkBC's Blueprint Builder to find more resources that will put you on the right path.
Photos: Elena Elisseeva / Shutterstock, skeeze, jarmoluk, Goodluz / Shutterstock, skeeze