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Struck by wanderlust? Here are the benefits of travelling the world with a singles travel group

Events & Adventures’ exclusive social club for singles can help you engage with new people while exploring new places around the globe together
Singles who travel the world together, make everlasting memories together!

Is your Instagram feed flooded with photos of your friends’ vacations with their partners? Are you feeling bummed out because you don’t currently have a travel companion to go globetrotting with?

Don’t let your single status stop you from seeing the world too! Even if you're flying solo, you can still see the places you've dreamt of and meet great people along the way.

Many great trip memories are made with travel buddies. A singles travel group is the best option for single people with a passion for new experiences and an interest in meeting new connections. This way, you can explore stunning international destinations while getting to know a lively group of singles in unforgettable settings. Whether you make awesome friends or find your perfect match during the trip, you’re guaranteed to create lasting memories and forge real relationships with the ones you travel with. 

Events & Adventures offers the benefits of group travel with the bonus of being with other globally-minded singles who also love to venture to new places. In addition to the 30+ local events E&A organizes per month, the singles social club hosts several member-exclusive international trips every year that are open to all members of their city chapters across North America. 

Since Events & Adventures started hosting group travel trips for singles, members have had the opportunity to take all-inclusive, once-in-a-lifetime getaways to destinations such as Australia, Peru, Hawaii, Spain, India, China, and a whole lot more. For the rest of 2023, they have exciting group trips planned across Europe, Asia, and Africa.

European Whirlwind Adventure

The countries of Europe contain a multitude of diverse cultures, cuisines, and history to explore. Events & Adventures’ two week European itinerary includes a journey to the Italian trifecta of Rome, Venice, and Florence, a romantic stop in Paris (the city of love), and of course, a royal tour of London. 

Pyramids & Petra

During this two week trip, Events & Adventures members will uncover the ancient wonders of Egypt and Jordan, from the Great Pyramid of Giza to the ruins of Petra, with other curious singles.

Exotic Thailand

From palaces and temples to dinner cruises along the iconic Chao Phraya River, this trip to Bangkok will restore the bodies, minds, and spirits of all E&A members who embark on the adventure. 

Upgrade to a first class single life

Through the wonderful journey of travel, one can effortlessly forge deep connections and encounter extraordinary individuals while engaging in shared activities. 

In the vibrant community of singles that Events & Adventures fosters, there is a strong emphasis on cultivating a diverse mix of individuals. This creates plenty of opportunities for you to connect with people who possess exceptional qualities and distinctiveness, and perhaps even discover that special someone who resonates with your heart.

Ready to explore the world while meeting some really awesome singles from across Canada? Check out to learn more about joining Events & Adventures today!