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Major Changes to TransLink Services over the Next 10 Years

TransLink has some big plans to get the region moving.

10_yr_vision_mline_fbTransLink has some big plans to get the region moving. Last year our SkyTrain network became the longest, driverless, automated, rapid-transit system in the world, but we’re not stopping there! TransLink is working hard to increase transit frequency, extend services, improve vehicles and make popular transit lines less crowded throughout Metro Vancouver.

The 10-Year Vision will be rolled out in three phases, starting with a $2-billion investment into Metro Vancouver’s roads, cycling, and walking infrastructure and the purchase of a new SeaBus, rail cars and buses. This, combined with enhanced service on SkyTrain and SeaBus lines, will make space for 185,000 more people on our transit system each week. That means shorter wait times and more room on each transit line.

Phase one will tackle existing overcrowding and congestion, while phase two will be more forward-thinking; planning for Metro Vancouver’s growing population.

Maybe you’ve already noticed some changes taking shape. On January 16th TransLink increased service frequency on SkyTrain and SeaBus during select times and days.

Learn more about TransLink’s plans below, or visit

10YP-VIA_B_700x440Phase One: Expo, Millennium, Canada lines and SeaBus

  • TransLink is extending service during weekday peak periods and adding more service during weekend mid-day and early evenings on the Expo and Millennium lines.
  • Weekends: This represents a 16 per cent increase from current service levels, or 2,700 additional passengers an hour
  • On weekdays, TransLink’s peak level service will start earlier in the morning, and last one hour longer around the afternoon and evening rush.
  • On weekends, Expo and Millennium lines service during mid-day and early evenings will increase to match weekday frequency: trains will run every 3 – 6 minutes.
  • The Canada Line will have more frequent service during peak hours on weekdays to accommodate 650 additional passengers per hour.
  • TransLink is doubling SeaBus service on Sundays and holidays to sailings every 15 minutes from 10:00am – 7:00pm.
  • Later in 2017, the SeaBus will sail every 15 minutes all-day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

10YP-VIA_A_700x440 Highlights from Phase Two:

• Replacement of the Pattullo Bridge.

• Surrey–Newton–Guildford Light Rail Transit (LRT).

• Millennium Line Broadway Extension.

• More rail cars and station upgrades on the existing SkyTrain system.

• Additional expansion of bus service across the region.

• Additional expansion of HandyDART service.

• Continued improvements to major roads, cycling, walking paths and transit access points.