Do you consider yourself caring? Empathetic? A problem solver? Are you bored by the very thought of an ordinary 9 to 5?
Well, you may just be a police officer in the making.
The Vancouver Police Department (VPD) is seeking highly qualified and diverse candidates to join their ranks and help make Vancouver the safest major city in Canada. In addition to offering a unique array of career opportunities, the VPD offers individuals a supportive and rewarding work environment where employees can thrive and reach their full potential all while making a difference in the process.
If you’ve never considered a career in policing, it may be a path worth exploring. Here’s why:
Opportunities galore
Working for the VPD provides an opportunity to work in law enforcement in one of the most dynamic cities in Western Canada. It is big city policing at its best with access to exceptional training, state-of-the-art equipment and the ability to work in partnerships via career paths you never thought possible.
Most people are also not aware of the distinct array of career opportunities available to them, particularly in Vancouver. As an innovative and award-winning police department, a career with the VPD can be anything from patrolling Stanley Park’s 1000-acre urban forest on horseback to examining, identifying and preserving evidence as part of the Forensic Identification Unit or helping communities solve local issues as a Neighbourhood Police Officer.
That doesn’t even include their Emergency Response Team, Marine Unit or K9 Team!

All are welcome
So, who makes a good VPD candidate? The answer might not be exactly who you think.
In addition to someone who is university, college or trade educated with a proven track record of employment, the VPD seeks diverse individuals who have excelled in areas outside of education and employment such as in sports, music or entrepreneurship and those with experience in the military and service industry.
Similarly, those who have a history of volunteer work make fantastic VPD candidates as the job is ultimately about a commitment to make the communities we live in stronger, safer, and healthier every day.
The many benefits
VPD officers are the highest-paid police officers in Canada, with a starting salary of $85,392, which grows to $121,992 within four years. In addition to a generous pension, the VPD also has gyms in all police buildings, career and mental health supports, athletic therapists, massage therapists and physiotherapists on site to support the wellness of all employees.
While the VPD is known for top-tier extended benefits, it also boasts the added benefit of working within a team dedicated to making our city better.

Careers with the VPD are challenging, rewarding, fulfilling and ultimately instrumental in helping to reach your fullest potential. Regardless of if the VPD is right for you, those are all things we should hope to find in our jobs, wherever they may be.
If you’re looking for a career that offers more, consider what you may be able to offer the VPD and, in turn, what it can offer you.
To attend an information session or learn more about working for the VPD today, visit