While residents of Langley have long awaited a SkyTrain option, it looks like they might not be getting one anytime soon.
The Mayor's Council on Public Transportation met on July 25 to discuss the SkyTrain expansion project, and announced that the project only has enough funding to take the SkyTrain expansion to Fleetwood.
An artist’s rendering of the SkyTrain system Surrey Mayor Doug McCallum wants for his city and Langley | SkyTrain for Surrey
Phase 1 of the Surrey Langley SkyTrain project, which takes the line to Fleetwood, is estimated to cost a steep $1.6 billion, which the project currently has. These funds were allocated to the Surrey-Newton-Guildford Light Rail Transit Project. However, the complete extension to Langley City Centre would cost a soaring $3.22 billion.
Nevertheless, Metro Vancouver mayors voted to move forward with the project, and are calling on senior government officials to commit additional funding to complete the 10-year-vision.
“We’re asking federal candidates to commit to a Congestion Relief Fund, so we can move forward with this important project, as well as the projects the final phase of the 10-Year Vision and those to be identified through the Transport 2050 planning process. Residents who want better access to rapid transit can make their voices heard by sending a message to their local candidates at CureCongestion.ca," said Surrey Mayor Doug McCallum.
The Surrey Langley SkyTrain project would extend the Expo Line 16.5 kilometres on an elevated guideway from King George Station to Langley City Centre along Fraser Highway. In addition, it would have eight stations, three bus exchanges, park and ride spaces, 55 SkyTrain vehicles, an operations and maintenance centre and supporting system upgrades.
Photo: Mayor’s Council on Regional Transportation
“The population of Surrey, Langley City and Langley Township is expected to rise by 280,000 people by 2035. We must be ready, or we will be stuck in congestion that hurts our economy and the quality of life of our residents. We need to know that the entire project has financial support from federal and provincial governments," stated Township of Langley Mayor Jack Froese.
The expansion is expected to provide fast and reliable transit for about 62,000 people per day by 2035.