Vancouver Heritage Foundation is a registered charity supporting the conservation of heritage buildings and structures in recognition of their contribution to the city’s economy, sustainability and culture.
The laneway house at the Walter and Mary Lee Chan home in Strathcona, featured in this year's tour.
Have you been noticing laneway houses popping up in your neighbourhood? Ever wonder what life is like inside such a tiny abode? Many Vancouver residents are choosing to build laneway houses to help meet our city’s density demands without demolishing the principal residence while limiting impact to our unique streetscapes. For years now, the creation of these small urban buildings has helped residents in the retention or restoration of heritage and character homes while providing space for family members and renters in neighbourhoods across the city.
This year, for our 7th annual Laneway House Tour, we are featuring 6 modern spaces in neighbourhoods across the city. Each one brings character and vibrancy to our back alleys. One of the much anticipated homes in this year’s tour is a new infill built behind the Walter and Mary Lee Chan house in Strathcona. The creation of this laneway house is part of a greater restoration project that has helped preserve a historically significant Vancouver home. To learn about Walter and Mary Lee Chan, please see our post about how this family brought the Strathcona community together in the face of mass demolition in the 1960s.
The 2016 Laneway House Tour is a great chance to learn more about how laneway homes and infills can be a positive tool for heritage conservation. Check out how laneway developments are affected by different neighbourhood zoning, and gain inspiration for your own small home. See what it’s like to live on the lane and speak with experts in construction, financing and harmonizing with character. You can get your tickets here for this self-guided tour, or visit our website.
A laneway living space that will be open for viewing during our 2016 house tour.