VanTan is conveniently tucked away on the North Shore
On Saturday July 7th, 2018th the VanTan Nudist Club will be holding an open house.
If you've never heard of them before, you're not alone. The club operates quietly, despite being the oldest club of their kind in all of Canada.
They describe themselves as a "family friendly naturist club" and are affiliated with the American Association of Nude Recreation.
The reason for the open house is that the club is seeking new members. As a sort-of-co-op they're actually owned by their members.
As you would expect they operate off the grid on a 3 hectare property, complete with composting toilets and solar power. A wood fired sauna awaits your nakedness. Heck, there's probably naked people in it right now as you read this.
The fee for the day is $15, and it's cash only. If you're feeling modest you want want to keep that $15 in a fanny pack. It goes from 10am-4pm.
Historian and author Eve Lazarus offers an overview of the club and its history HERE, complete with recent photos offering a look inside.
For more info about tomorrow's open house go HERE.