A couple weeks back I TOLD you that Strombo was coming back to town, and this is the week he's doing his show from CBC headquarters at 700 Hamilton Street! You're going to want to watch tonight's show as the one and only Ice Cube will be sitting in the red chair being interviewed.
No stranger to this city, Cube has filmed many a flick here, and there couldn't be a better time for me to share this little tidbit I gathered a couple weekends back. I went out for a walk around Rice Lake in North Van and came across this viewpoint...
Upon closer inspection, this sign...
So of course the first thing I did when I got home was track down the film (which is a sequel to the film Are We There Yet) and watched it so that you don't have to. I'm happy to report that the little wooden structure which the production company was nice enough to leave behind was used twice in the film, and I've taken some screen grabs to illustrate the scenes for you here. The structure is first used in the scene on the left below, where it's not actually shown but I imagine they used it as a stationary point to mount the camera on as the views in the scene are the same as the ones I took in. It's again used in the scene on the right where there's an extended dock added to the thing, which Ice Cube's stepson gets dragged off and which Cube victoriously hauls a 100 pound catfish onto after wrestling with it...
Next time you're up at Rice Lake look out for this thing and maybe take a moment to thank Ice Cube for being partially responsible for it being there.