Two tickets to see Sook-Yin Lee 's Year of the Carnivore at District 319 on Thursday, June 17! This is what the kids might call a "gooder.

Two tickets to see
Sook-Yin Lee's
Year of the Carnivore at
District 319 on Thursday, June 17!

This is what the kids might call a "gooder."
The First Weekend Club is a fantastic group that helps boost box office numbers for Canadian films on their opening weekend. The event is held monthly in Vancouver at this city's
swankiest screening venue, District 319. If you haven't been before you really should, as in addition to helping out Canadian filmmakers you also get to feel cooler than you actually are. Well, I do anyway, because the crowd is always über-hip and beautiful. So if you win you get to feel extra awesome because you'd be able to take a friend and impress them with your über-hipness.
Did I mention wine was involved? There is. A complimentary glass with each ticket.
After the show there will be a Q&A with
Sook-Yin herself (via Skype!) while stars
Will Sasso (
MADtv) ,
Eugene Lipinski and
Patrick Gilmore will be on hand and in person.
Tickets for the event are already sold out (although you may be able to snag rush seats at the door). But if you're smart and keen then you'll want to play the game and leave a comment.
Year of the Carnivore is a funny and charming coming of age tale about a young woman learning how to navigate the ins and outs of her own sexuality. Although I am a carnivore I ain't no cannibal (but I totally have no problem eating you if we
crash into a mountain in the Andes) though I do like my steak on the not-quite-mooing side of rare.
Leave as many comments as you care about lust and food to enter. Contest closes at 5:00 pm on Tuesday, June 16. Winner will be picked at random and contacted via email.
Sorry, no minors.
Good luck!!
The Official Word:
When: Thursday, June 17th (opens in theatrically in Vancouver & Toronto on June 18th)
Where: District 319 (319 Main Street, Vancouver)
Time: 6:30 PM: Pre show celebration & wine reception (complimentary glass of wine), live music by Rachael Chatoor
7:30 PM: Film screening followed by a post-screening party.
Cost: $15 through PayPal or at 604-983-5373.
Tickets must be purchased in advance by Monday, June 14th at 5pm or until tickets sell out.
Please arrive at screening by 7:20 pm to ensure entry.