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It's been awhile since I posted anything in my alley , but recently while doing some spring cleaning I had some items that I needed to get rid of. Don't you hate those people that are always trying to give you stuff.

It's been awhile since I posted anything in my alley, but recently while doing some spring cleaning I had some items that I needed to get rid of.

Don't you hate those people that are always trying to give you stuff.  Not because you  need it, or it's going to benefit you in any way, but it's because they are just too lazy to get rid of it themselves.

'I'm sure someone could use this, it seems like such a shame to throw it away...Hey look like you might need a deflated want it, take it...yeah..just take, I'll put it in your car for you...'

Without an alley, I am one of those people.

So here's the excercise, out of the following six items: Ikea microwave stand, veggie fresh tupperware container, Ikea coffee table, empty ice tea bottle, deflated basketball, Altec Lansing computer speakers, which order do you think these will be taken in and why.

The best answer will win.....a very special prize from me!

Note: Prize may not be new, have any value, or even work.  Winner also may be responsible to pick up prize and in doing so may have to undertake the transportation and disposal of further prizes.