A new kitty once a week! Click here to find out how your cat can appear on Van City Kitty . Here are the deets on Kalin, submitted by VIA readers : Sabrina Fenster ! Name: Kalin ... Breed/Colouring: Silver-blue Scottish Fold ...
A new kitty once a week! Click here to find out how your cat can appear on Van City Kitty.
Here are the deets on Kalin, submitted by VIA readers : Sabrina Fenster!
Name: Kalin |
Breed/Colouring: Silver-blue Scottish Fold
Hood: Downtown Vancouver
Habits: Tapping you on the shoulder when he wants attention, sitting on your laptop to divert your attention, lying directly in front of heaters to get nice and toasty, and sleeping as close to you as possible at all times.
Hangouts: The couch, the balcony, the bed. Sleep is totally his thing.
Favorite Things: Water, treats, mom and dad, more treats!
Other Info: A born and raised Montrealer; Kalin moved to Vancouver to pursue retirement. He has more than nine lives, having battled cancer with doctors saying he only had a few months to live. Five years ago, he is still with us today!
...Tough little cancer survivor!

Kalin is a very fashionable Montrealer. (And look at his adorable little fold ears!!!)

If you’re interested in adopting a cat, check out our monthly Van City Kitty Take Us Home editions (most recently here!)