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Hello dear old friend. It's been a while since we've been able to share a nugget of niceness with you. Work keeps us all busy as you'd imagine the busiest of bees to be.

Episode One - Redbird

Episode Two - David Vertesi

Episode Three - Treelines

Episode Four - Adrian Glynn & Nat Jay

Episode Five - Aidan Knight

Episode Six - Tyler Bancroft & Ashleigh Ball (Valentine's Edition!)

Episode Seven - The Never Surprise

Episode Eight - Hey Ocean!

Episode Nine - Zachary Lucky

Episode Ten - Fields Of Green

Special Edition - Sing it Forward - The Zolas featuring the St James Music Academy

Episode Eleven - Shane Koyczan

Hello dear old friend. It's been a while since we've been able to share a nugget of niceness with you. Work keeps us all busy as you'd imagine the busiest of bees to be. However, sometimes a moment presents itself, and you find the time to capture something sweet to share. The moment that presented itself to us, was a beautiful fall day, and a new friend visiting Vancouver. We held onto this little autumn morning gem, and let's blame the recent sunny days for inspiring us to share it. Check back tomorrow for our new episode of Giants of the Forest, with a wonderful gentleman from just south of the border, named Jesse Morrow.

Check out his website here:

Click HERE to read about the project