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500 #sockeye salmon donated to hungry people in the #DTES

Over the past couple of weeks I've been working on a series we're publishing about this year's POTENTIALLY RECORD BREAKING sockeye salmon run on the Fraser River and what it means for us in Vancouver.

Over the past couple of weeks I've been working on a series we're publishing about this year's POTENTIALLY RECORD BREAKING sockeye salmon run on the Fraser River and what it means for us in Vancouver. During my research today I came across THIS uplifting feature about a first nations fisherman who donated 500 of the fish from his catch to folks in the Downtown Eastside and I had to share.

 The sockeye salmon I caught while researching for our series!The sockeye salmon that I caught while researching for our series!

Stay tuned for our In Search of the Sockeye series, launching this week!