Impark is once again launching their holiday initiative where you can get your parking tickets voided in exchange for toys donated to the Salvation Army! It's happening from 7am-11am this Thursday, November 27th at the Salvation Army Belkin House, located at 555 Homer Street. Bring your unpaid Impark parking violation notice and a toy of equal value and they'll waive it for you, all in the name of giving kids who need it a better holiday than they might have known otherwise.
This year might be a bit of a departure (and more of a windfall for chronic ticket sufferers like myself!) because in the past I remember there being a limit of one ticket per donor; in 2014 you can bring multiple tickets (one toy per ticket), and wipe the slate clean. The only catch is that you've got a 4 hour window this Thursday. Take advantage of it!
Last year was a ridiculous one for me and parking tickets. If only I would have been able to trade toys for tickets I would’ve felt better about this insane bill I paid.
Specific toy and gift needs include, but are not limited to; puzzles, books, gift cards (for movies, retail, iTunes, etc.), sports equipment, and Lego. Gifts appropriate for teens are particularly appreciated.