A new kitty twice a week! Yup, we want YOUR cat photos and stories! Click here to find out how your cat can appear on Van City Kitty. Today's gorgeous Russian Blue was sent to us by VIA reader Jessica Fletcher.
A new kitty twice a week! Yup, we want YOUR cat photos and stories! Click here to find out how your cat can appear on Van City Kitty.
Today's gorgeous Russian Blue was sent to us by VIA reader Jessica Fletcher. Here's what Jessica had to say about him:
Name: Gio |
Breed/Colouring: Russian Blue
Hood: West End
Habits: Sleeping/purring/being aggressively cuddly/ getting treats/eating until he barfs
Hangouts: Bed/green chair
Other info: I got Gio from the SPCA last June. He was ten at the time and was apparently a homeless man's cat until the mites in his ear gave him an infection that turned into a massive hematoma and he was surrendered and operated on. I was told he was the best cat there but he had been there a while and they didn't expect him leaving soon because he was kinda old and ugly with his half ear. I feel in love with him and he's honestly the best and most friendly, cuddly cat I have ever encountered in my life.
Are you looking for a (or another) little furry beast to love? Please check out Happy Tails, our weekly segment featuring the BC SPCA and one of the animals they currently have available for adoption. (You may have noticed that many of the Van City Kitties came from the SPCA!) Check back every Saturday for a new Happy Tails segment!
And if you adopted your pet from the SPCA and would like to share your awesome story on Happy Tails, send an email to [email protected]or [email protected].