Gary Pooni, President of urban planning and land development firm Brook Pooni, donated a stack of his childhood dreams in the form of Superman comics and novels.
Despite following his mother’s advice to pray everyday until he turned into Superman himself, which he faithfully did from the ages of nine to eleven, to no avail he still thinks there’s nothing better than reading about “someone who is noble, well-intentioned, and honourable”. Hear Gary’s heroic story below.
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A Good Book Drive is an annual book drive to bring stories to a new generation of readers, and support kids in need of new books. Running through the month of November, A Good Book Drive will be inspiring Vancouverites to purchase a new copy of their favorite kids’ book and deliver it to set locations throughout the city. At these drop off locations you can personalize your donation with a special bookplate, sharing the story of why that book is special to you. All books will be donated to this year’s book drive recipient, Frontier College Waiting Room Literacy Pilot Project. Share your favourite stories with A Good Book Drive on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. |