It's a new dog once a week! Click here to find out how to get your dog posted if you haven't sent in your photos yet! Today's dog featured in Dogtown Vancouver is Bernie, Christopher N's pup. Here's what he had to say about him... NAME: Bernie.
It's a new dog once a week! Click here to find out how to get your dog posted if you haven't sent in your photos yet!
Today's dog featured in Dogtown Vancouver is Bernie, Christopher N's pup. Here's what he had to say about him...
NAME: Bernie. |
BREED: Miniature Australian Shepherd / Pug cross.
HOOD: Strathcona.
FAVOURITE SNACK: Apple slices.
OTHER INFO: Bernie's nine years old. He was already a year old when I adopted him from a lesbian couple who'd split up and neither could find accommodation in Vancouver that would allow him. He's remarkably smart and intuitive. He likes watching television, learns other people's names quickly (not that he's taught; he just seems to hear them in passing and figure it out). He's got the smarts of the Aussie shepherd with the jolly pug attitude, but without the pug health issues.
Bernie "adopted" a pair of kittens last Spring, where my friend Nearby dog sits for me. Within two weeks of these kittens arriving in the household, he took them under his wing, and scenes like below soon became commonplace.
If you're interested in adopting a pet, check out our Happy Tails feature. If you adopted your pet from the SPCA and would like to share your awesome story on Happy Tails, send an email to [email protected].