I'm not trying to say that this is one small step for me, one giant leap for Native Footwear or anything (okay, maybe I am) but those Fitzsimmons boots that I MENTIONED on Friday? I've been seeing them around the city and on Facebook a lot and it seems like most people who wear them have been keeping them pretty clean and close to the streets, not really taking them on outdoor adventures. I've been rocking mine as actual hiking boots for a couple months now and wanted to let you know that yes they look great but they're actually quite cozy and comfortable for light walks off the concrete. Here's a photo of them with some fish we caught this weekend up in the mountains at a somewhat remote lake that we had to 4x4 into. That rainbow trout sitting at my feet is one of the biggest I've ever caught and I reeled it in with dry, comfy feet thanks to Native.
One thing to note, if you're wondering about all of those fish that 3 friends and I took home and ate, is how sustainable our freshwater fishery is in our province. Each year the Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC stocks our lakes with over 8 million fish and eggs and they help to manage this incredibly valuable resource thanks in part to the money generated from us regular citizens buying fishing licenses. Buying my annual license is by far the best $36 I spend all year. I got into an e-mail conversation with the fisheries earlier in the week because I was inquiring about a tagged fish that we had caught previously and somehow managed to get the skinny that this lake pictured above (I'm not giving it up, sorry!) was supposed to be stocked with 1,000 cutthroat trout earlier this month but that there are almost too many fish and not enough food in the lake to feed them right now, so they didn't put any more in and distributed them to a few other lakes. Too many fish is good news for us angling locavores so we did our part and had a great time doing it!
Before you go fishing you MUST buy a fishing license. It's the law and like I said earlier it goes back into making sure there'll be fish for you to catch next year. Learn how to get one online HERE.