It might not be as big of news as 30 million salmon making their way up the Fraser, or even as big as one single whale making it's way up False Creek, but I wanted to note that as of this post we've made it up to a total of 5,000 blog posts to this web site since that we launched it two and a half years ago. That's 5,000 pieces of good news all about the arts and culture and random awesomeness that makes up this city of ours.
I'd like to send a huge thanks out to all of our contributors, past and present, as well as our dedicated team of editors (listed in the right hand sidebar) who have helped bring this thing so far along that we had to build a non-profit corporation around it to make sure it keeps going. Not only are you reporting on awesome things in Vancouver but you're also helping to make it a better place for the who people who live in it, and I can never thank you enough for all that you have done and continue to do.
On a side note, HERE is one of the very first posts ever made to the site, which is also one of my favourites of all time.