Vancouver Is Awesome’s new Managing Editor, Lindsay William-Ross
Last September I wrote that I was thrilled to bring you the news that Lindsay William-Ross had joined us as a Senior Writer.
Today I, V.I.A. and Glacier Media are even more thrilled to let you know that effective immediately Lindsay is our new Managing Editor!
Over the past ten months she's proven to be an insanely valuable member of our team. She was our first full time hire we made after being acquired by Glacier and her involvement has been critical to growing our readership and (pardon the cheesy corporate talk, but) helping us get to the next level as a publication.
Since she started with us she's been tracking down and writing news and history stories, heading up our food category, co-producing and co-hosting our podcast (subscribe HERE), editing our weekly print product and more. She brought with her years of practical experience and insight into digital publishing and editing, and we're incredibly fortunate to have her working with us.
As Lindsay tells me "I am so proud to be a part of Vancouver Is Awesome and Glacier Media. We’ve seen incredible growth over the last year, and are creating and sharing content that sparks dialogue, keeps readers informed, and reminds us so often why Vancouver is truly Awesome."
Get in touch with her at, and look forward to a lot more Awesomeness on her watch!