Your beloved La Taqueria tacos and burritos will soon be on the move from their current location on Cambie at Broadway. But fear not, locals: They're only going a block away.
Thanks to the planned redevelopment in their current location, La Taqueria has known for some time that they would eventually have to pack up the tortillas, salsas, and brightly coloured decor when the time came.
Lindsay William-Ross/Vancouver Is Awesome
La Taqueria has secured the space on Yukon at Broadway that was until recently occupied by The Edge Cafe--a spot best frequented by many a City Hall employee.
Signage is up at 2450 Yukon Street for the forthcoming La Taqueria. It looks like there's a nice amount of square footage inside, as well as a spacious patio--perfect for enjoying the promised tacos, burritos, nachos, cocktails, churros, and beer.
Though it's off the main drag, the new La Taqueria will not only pull its existing loyal following, but also join the growing clamour of exciting foodstuffs in this emerging area of Mount Pleasant in the blocks to the north and east of their new spot.
Lindsay William-Ross/Vancouver Is Awesome
The La Taqueria crew can hopefully make short work of the reno and red tape to get the new space turned over and up and running for peak patio season. We'll keep you posted.
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