Back in April we TOLD YOU about the finalists for the 365 Days of Dining in Richmond competition and today I am incredibly proud to report that out of all of the international candidates, Vancouver's own Lindsay Anderson has won, and accepted, the job! She starts tomorrow and her task is essentially to show us what makes the Richmond food scene... well... awesome!
Lindsay's campaign trail was laden with a ton of support from friends and followers from all over, beyond Vancouver. She started the hashtag #LINDSEATSRICHMOND and had encouraged people to make signs with that on it and post photos of themselves online. Hundreds of people (like THREE hundred!) followed through and showed their support and while partly due to her going viral it is no doubt that Lindsay shone bright in the rigorous interview process which flew in other candidates and had them going head to head.
Just a few of Lindsays supporters of her #LINDSEATSRICHMOND hashtag
If you've been following V.I.A. over the past month you'll have noticed that I've credited this food contest as a partial inspiration for my In The Village on False Creek series. It would only make sense for me to invite Lindsay to my neighbourhood, and to feature her in my 50 Coffees series, so this is my public invitation: Lindsay, come down to the Village and join me for coffee!
Starting tomorrow, you can follow Lindsay's foodie adventures in Richmond at Hopefully you'll see more of her here on V.I.A. as well!