I've worked downtown for quite awhile, and spent a few years living in Yaletown. From this, I've developed the ability to read parking signs, identify small breeds of dogs, and know when an eating establishment is going to fail. But I think I'm slippin'.
When I first saw Miura Waffle and Milk Bar , the first thing I thought was 'Milk and Waffles, are you kidding me?' What are going to do with those? Roscoe's got chicken and waffles but you can't replace chicken with milk. I just shook my head and waited for it to never open. It did of course, and after a few months of everyone else I know trying it, I broke down and had lunch there.
This place is GOOOOOOD! The feature item here is the 'sando', which is a waffle sandwich. They do all sorts of things with them, from sweet to savory. I had the Bulgogi, mainly because I love mispronouncing things, I'm aiming for one day being able to say 'Beluga' and having someone know what I mean, I think I'm going to have to look more white. It reminded me alot of an Okonomiyaki, with the waffle sopping up the salty filling.
I'm not a huge fan of drinking milk, I think I had a bad experience guzzling a bunch before a soccer game as a kid or something, so it's something I'd never order. I knew though that I had to try it, so I went with the coffee milk. I love coffee now, but for years I didn't, loved coffee flavoured ice cream, loved coffee crisp, but not coffee...this milk would have been perfect back then....think chocolate milk, but coffee.
And the damage, including soup, like 8 bucks? Beat that?
I asked one of the workers there if this was something really common in Asia, nope, this is a Vancouver creation so now you really have to check it out!