As of May 10, there will be a new separated bike path through the parking lot at the intersection of Arbutus Street and Cornwall Avenue.
The change is part of the Vancouver Park Board's goal to make Kitsilano Beach Park safer for cyclists, pedestrians and vehicles.
"The move is expected to reduce conflict in the south parking lot, which is busy with people walking, rolling, cycling, and driving," states the board in a press release.
To make space for the cyclists 50 stalls are being closed in the parking lot, near the tennis courts. Around 200 will remain.
Additionally, at the Balsam Street end of things the dirt path cutting diagonally will be upgraded; this will divert people from the Balsam Street and Cornwall Avenue intesection.
Traffic increased last year in the area, with the city recording 500,000 cycling journeys in the area in 2019. Last year it jumped to 750,000 trips.
A permanent solution to the conflict will be in place in a couple years with a separated bike path connecting Balsam Street and Ogden Avenue.
"Park Board and City of Vancouver Engineering staff will seek public input on a fully separated cycling path connecting Ogden Avenue to Balsam Street beginning in summer 2021," the board states in the release.
Engagement sessions on the issue began in 2013.
Recommendations from staff are expected in early 2022.
A full Kitsilano Beach Park master plan is anticipated to begin in the next few years.